Get page slug with Fluent Forms


A member in the Fluent Form facebook group wanted a way to get the page slug.

We are going to create a smartcode that returns the page slug for the page we submit the form on.

Copy and paste the snippet below into functions.php or code snippet plugin.


        add_filter('fluentform_editor_shortcodes', function ($smartCodes) {
    $smartCodes[0]['shortcodes']['{page_slug}'] = 'Page slug';
    return $smartCodes;

add_filter('fluentform_editor_shortcode_callback_page_slug', function ($value, $form) {
    global $post;
    return $post->post_name;
}, 10, 2);

Once you have added the snippet, you should see the smartcode display in the dropdown menu under default value.

screenshot 2022 12 02 at 13.47.47

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