Dynamic Smartcodes for Name and Address field


If you are looking to use the dynamic smartcode {dynamic.INPUT_NAME} for the address or name field, you need to use the format:


This is because these fields are stored in an array, so the only way to access them are using the [key] notation.


Name field

First name = {dynamic.names[first_name]}

Last name = {dynamic.names[last_name]}

Address field

Address line 1 = {dynamic.address[address_line_1]}

Address line 2 = {dynamic.address[address_line_2]}

City = {dynamic.address[city]}

State = {dynamic.address[state]}

Zipcode / Postcode = {dynamic.address[zip]}

Country = {dynamic.address[country]}

Unlike {dynamic.names} which outputs first name and last name, {dynamic.address} does not output anything.

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